Sunday, January 12, 2025

Ozark Race Wars: Part 11


Based on a post by FinalStand, in 13 parts. Listen to the  Podcast at Explicit Novels.


Once more, our esteemed academic Captain, Dr. Pierre O'Rourke Jean-Georges, led us through a rather confused and unhappy post-game liturgy in honor of; well in support of racial unity, I guessed. It was really hard to tell with the way he would ramble off-point every few minutes. The Football Team was in chairs on the floor of the gym with the Cheer Squad and Student Government. The rest of the student body was squeezed into the bleachers; very cozy.

The Special Investigator also spoke briefly to the assembly, asking for our help on the case. The school was also hiring a 'Racial Grievance Counselor' who was, surprise, surprise, Dr. Nubia Franklin Jean-Georges; our Principal's wife. I was kind of curious who was making the school system pony up the money for her services as well as precisely when the 'interview' process had taken place.

‘I wonder if she's qualified,’ Kaelyne whispered.

‘I wonder where they are going to stick her,’ Vicky mused.

‘Oh, I imagine she is going to get 'stuck' alright,’ Mikhail snickered beneath his hand. Oh yeah, she was statuesque, smart, Black and projected complete confidence; right up my youngest triplets' alley.

‘Ow,’ he play-protested after Kaelyne smacked him.

‘I did that for Taliyah,’ she declared.

‘She'll appreciate that,’ I promised.

‘I know she will,’ Kaelyne smiled at me. After that disastrous Monday, Taliyah had been making steady headway in gaining Kaelyne's forgiveness which showed both her character (it was the right thing to do) and smarts (fear of my Mom).

‘So; Alexander, what kind of bathing suit should I wear tomorrow?’ Vicky teased our eldest.

‘One made out of edible body paint,’ he turned and winked. ‘Big Bob is gone all weekend to some Sheriff's convention in Miami, Florida. He goes to it every year.’ Alexander being sexy-nice to Vicky was Also a good sign for our upcoming weekend.

A withering glance from the Coach stilled our conversation. It was bad enough we were 'disrespecting' Darius' shindig. Our team had gotten their asses handed to them tonight in a game they should have won even without our star Running Back. It was easy to see having his father face criminal charges and loss of employment had shaken up Rashaan.

His first outing as Team Captain had been a disaster; and now he had to sit here and listen to the various tributes to the guy he'd failed to replace instead of going anywhere else and getting shit-faced drunk and laid. The prognosis for both were pretty grim too,; what with the law enforcement being extra vigilant and the Cheer Squad being surprisingly inattentive to the Football Team's needs; which he was also getting blamed for.

Darius had not only provided his players with victories, he had provided them status and perks as the premier athletes at school with the heritage of multiple highly successful teams being handed to them. Everyone 'looked the other way' because they were on the Football Team. All the girls wanted to be with them. Their parties always had plenty of alcohol and weed. They got good grades with minimal, if any, studying. Life had been good.

Rashaan was having a horrific time maintaining that legacy. Not only could he not supply for his team, he couldn't even keep his own house in order. He had gone from 'three' hot-ass bitches (running true to type, the BBCs still refused to believe Taliyah had left him for Mikhail a week ago but now she, Sultana Berry and Randi Leigh Upshaw were openly gone) to none.

Sure, they could still get 2nd and 3rd tier 'skanks', but just seeing all that prime booty walking around and knowing it Should be theirs and wasn't really bothered those student-athletes. A further complication was that under Darius, he kept the prime cunt specifically regulated both coming and going. That way the boys didn't have to worry about condoms, pregnancies and STDs.

He kept the players clean by keeping the mouths, asses and vaginas they were fucking clean. No player stuck his cock into an unauthorized hole because if you did, Darius would destroy you. The object was to fuck who you wished in a safe hunting ground. Rashaan couldn't keep that level of discipline among either the women, or his own teammates.

Rashaan also couldn't keep the booze and weed freely flowing. Darius hadn't shared his drug pipeline and wasn't likely to. Rashaan wasn't even trusted with the names of the entities capable and willing to buy and distribute alcohol to the under 21 crowd, plus Sheriff Big Bob's deputies were on the lookout for such shenanigans; more than happy to slap the cuffs on anyone 'Contributing to the Delinquency of a Minor'.

As a final blow, his dad was no longer Chief of Police. Sure, he was being promised that ruling would soon be reversed; but for Rashaan, it was yet another blow landing at an unfortunate time. His problems weren't mine, and I had more than enough of my own. He'd have to sink, or swim, on his own.

We were released at 10:37 pm; far past the time for any of us to have any fun. The Cheer Squad angled for us as we left the bleachers with Taliyah looking particularly livid. A few football players were making a nuisance of themselves, but I sensed her troubles ran deeper.

‘Hey, Betty Jo,’ one of our linemen tried to separate out the pale-haired blonde, ‘let's head out and party.’ Two more moved to put a wall between my brothers and her.

‘I'm tired,’ she complained.

‘You'll feel better soon,’ he promised.

‘Without your help,’ I grumbled. I wedged between the two, they put their hands on me and then Mikhail and Alexander drove fingers into each of their Solar Plexus. With them temporarily gasping for air, we put a perimeter around the other ladies while I put an arm around Betty Jo's waist.

‘Boy,’ the athlete hissed, ‘you best let go of this piece of ass.’

Betty Jo's eyes flashed from him to me, caught between shame and hunger.

‘I'm not a boy, your boy, or anyone, but my parent's boy,’ I hardened. ‘I'd appreciate it you never demean Betty Jo like you just did either.’

‘Is there a problem?’ a White Deputy working his way through the crowd called out.

‘This ain't over, Peckerwood,’ the lineman snarled under his breath.

‘Thanks for the warning, Dumbo,’ I mocked him. He had big ears.

‘It is Greg, Shithead,’ he corrected me angrily.

‘Separate; you two,’ the Deputy demanded.

‘Yes, officer,’ I backed off. I had the girl which was the important thing.

‘Vlad?’ Brandy cuddled up to me as we left the auditorium.

‘All's good,’ I assured her. ‘Normal threats and insults. Nothing more.’

‘Betty Jo; are you okay?’ she turned her attention to the woman I was escorting along.

‘Oh, I'm okay. Greg wanted to talk with me, but I'm not really interested in him anymore,’ and then she smiled over at Alexander.

‘He doesn't do it you for anymore?’ Brandy teased.

‘Who?’ Betty Jo pursed her lips.

‘Greg; the defensive tackle.’

‘Oh him!’ she seemed surprise. She was Alondra's cross-racial twin alright. ‘Yeah. He and the other guys just want to push and pump me; it feels so; boring really.’

‘Not like Alexander?’ Brandy led her along.

‘Oh no!’ she exulted. ‘Alexander makes me feel all tingly; and he doesn't call me bitch, or whore, or nothing like that,’ she tacked on.

The crowd was dissipating as we moved into the Parking Lot.

Alexander was in the lead with Vicky and Alondra on either side should he need support. Mikhail was slightly detached off to my left, arm around Taliyah, deep in conversation with her. His normal cheerful carelessness was gone, replaced by a serious mein. Kaelyne was behind Alex, with the other cheerleaders spread out between us. At the rear of our clump, herding us along, was; Mom and Jewel; huh?

They were chatting amiably, one adult to another, not a teenager to a mother. That worried me for reasons I couldn't pinpoint. A little tug from Brandy reminded me where I was suppose to be paying attention.

‘Some of the girls are coming over tonight,’ she murmured seductively.

‘The only one I want to be with is you,’ I frowned.

A million mega-lumens-bright smile flashed across Brandy's face.

‘Not bored with me?’

‘How would that ever even be possible?’ I gasped.

More pure, unfiltered happiness from my Lady.

‘You make me very happy, Vlad,’ she snuggled in.

‘Ditto, Princess,’ I kissed the top of her head.

‘Hey,’ Betty Jo interrupted. ‘Are you anything like your brother?’ (?? because, ya know, we were only identical triplets??)

‘We are triplets, Betty Jo,’ I instructed. ‘We are identical; in all physical regards.’

‘Does that mean your dick is just as big?’ she asked with innocent intent.

‘Yes,’ Brandy confirmed. ‘Yes, it is.’

‘Oh; nice,’ she smiled at Brandy.

‘Betty Jo, why don't we get your stuff and head out?’ Brandy suggested. Betty Jo left my side with that smile still on her lips. ‘Will I see you tonight?’ Brandy directed my way.

‘I'll try,’ I grinned.

‘Okay,’ she winked then off she went to round up the others. Mikhail brushed passed me, going the other way; toward Mom.

‘I'll be hanging out with Taliyah tonight, Mom,’ he addressed our maternal unit.

‘Is there a problem?’ she studied him. Jewel was silently observant.

‘I'm eighteen, tomorrow isn't a school day and I don't have any chores to do I'm aware of,’ he ticked off his salient points.

‘Why don't you say 'hello' to Ms. Lafontanté?’ Mom was falsely polite.

‘Hey, Jewel,’ his words were brutally sparse of emotion.

‘Hey, Mikhail,’ she was somewhat amused.

‘Hey, Vlad,’ she was a tad more polite toward me.

‘Hello, Jewel,’ I projected much more civility than my brother. If Mom found it necessary to chat with Jewel, it was worth all our time to be more polite and Mikhail should have known better.

‘Jewel, please give me a moment with my youngest,’ Mom separated from that imposing young lady and walked five steps away with Mikhail.

‘I'm glad we didn't have a misunderstanding last night,’ I proffered.

‘Why?’ Jewel tilted her head and appeared to dissect my every word and move.

‘Violence without purpose is beyond wasteful; it is stupid and the product of nonadaptive minds,’ I stated.

‘I don't recognize the quote,’ she smiled after a moment.

‘It is a Vladimir original,’ I smiled back.

‘I think I could have taken you,’ she added.

I had to think over that for a few seconds myself.

‘Is that what you were talking to Mom about; asking to come over to our house and spar?’

‘Perhaps; that and a few other things,’ she allowed.

Mom was coming back. Mikhail was going off with Taliyah. Why? I didn't know.

‘Night Ms. Lafontanté,’ Mom nodded.

‘Good night, Ms. Samsonov. Night Vlad.’

‘Night Jewel and; you would have lost,’ I affirmed as I turned to leave.

There was no reply. Before we split up; I was going back home with Alexander; she was hanging around until Dad finished up and dismissed the other Deputies; Mom gave me a shoulder 'bump'.

‘Nice one,’ she grinned up at me.


‘With Jewel.’

‘She thought she could take me with a rattan practice weapon and I thought to dissuade her of that delusion,’ I explained. It was the truth after all.

‘Girls like Jewel; don't take 'no', or 'you can't do that' for an answer, Vlad,’ she enlightened me.

‘Even when it is the truth?’

‘Especially if it is the truth,’ she smirked. ‘Girls like Jewel want to change the World, not accept anyone's assignment for them in it.’

‘Well; she is Mikhail's problem, not mine. He's hot for her. I'm perfectly happy with Brandy.’

If only that was the way the World worked;

Cheer Squad (12 Girls: 4 Black, 6 White and 2 Mixed)

The Black girls were;

·         Sultana Berry (Very Light fawn complexion).

·         Vantrice Kirby (Very Dark umber complexion), (hair dyed florescent red-black striped, shoulder-length hair).

·         Alondra Lamb (Very Light tawny complexion).

·         Taliyah Malik; the Co-Captain.

The White girls were;

·         Brandy Crystal Carson is Co-Captain.

·         Amber Lee Huffington, (Brunette hair).

·         Mia Ryker, (blonde hair).

·         Misty Dawn Sizemore, (Russet hair).

·         Betty Jo Starling, (Blonde hair).

·         Randi Leigh Upshaw, (Brunette hair).

The mixed girls were;

·         Le 'Pearl' Yates; (Raven-haired, half-Vietnamese/half-Black

·         Noémie Lucie Desdunes (Creole)


Zulu Princess Posse

·         Jewel 'C. S.' Lafontanté

·         Dana Owens

·         Régine Hunt

·         Maxine Shaw

·         Shayla Karen White

·         Sunny Cobb

·         Lana Michelle Moore (the token white girl)

Saturday: The Flashpoint.


  currently, Vlad is dating Brandy Crystal Carson {the Sheriff's daughter} and Mikhail is dating Taliyah Malik {the Madam Mayor's daughter} while Alexander remains somewhat unattached.)

I wasn't able to make it to the Carson household Friday night, though I did learn about the reason Mikhail did: Thursday night the Malik family had begun to implode. Mamma Malik had gone to a separate bedroom; and locked the door. Papa Malik hadn't taken that well, deciding to bury himself in alcohol as an appropriate response. That had been Taliyah's Friday morning. A series of late-afternoon blistering communication exchanges with her parents hadn't helped much.

I resolved to make it up to Brandy by going over early ~as in 7:00 a.m. on a Saturday morning, early; and waking her with kisses. She'd told me the passkey for the home's security system (and 'yes', it had been changed after she dumped Darius for me, just in case).

I got there; and the Living Room looked like it needed more than a little cleaning. Pizza boxes and soda cans were strewn about the place. Apparently, Brandy and company hadn't gone straight to bed last night..

From what I'd already been told, she had Taliyah (Malik), Noémie Lucie Desdunes, Amber Lee Huffington, Alondra Lamb, Misty Dawn Sizemore and Betty Jo Sterling already here. The other five members of the Cheer Squad would be arriving later this morning and all were planning on spending tonight (Saturday night).

Noémie Lucie, Amber Lee and Misty Dawn were strong supporters of the Brandy and Taliyah co-captaincy of the Cheer Squad, so that explained their presence. Alondra and Betty Jo were here out of worry the members of the Football Team might try to 'kidnap' them, once they were off school grounds: so safety measures had been taken.

With Robert 'Big Bob' Carson, the County Sheriff, away for the weekend at a Law Enforcement convention in Miami, Florida, he had wisely deposited at least one Samsonov guarding his northwestern Arkansas home last night. Surprisingly, Mikhail had sensed Taliyah's soul-hurt about the situation and wanted to be there for her. He'd put his burgeoning playboy tendencies aside when she really need him. His transformation last night had surprised both me and, to some degree, my Mom, Gayle Fonteneau Samsonov.

No one was awake in the house yet. From the rich aroma wafting from the Kitchen, I could tell the automatic coffeemaker had already prepared a full pot and was keeping it warm. I dropped my book bag; sans books, but with a change of clothes, two swimsuits and a few other 'gifts from Mom'; by the sofa first, then began transferring plates and glasses from the Living Room to the dishwasher in the Kitchen. I thought I heard someone out on the front porch.

No one knocked, so I finished the trip to the kitchen. I was on the way back when I was pretty sure I heard someone trying to get in; with no luck. You had to be a pretty stupid thief to try and break into the County's chief Law Dog's domicile, even if he was currently out of town. Then there were the four cars and two electric-blue with yellow lightning bolts KTM 690 Enduro R's motorbikes (mine and Mikhail's) in the driveway and front lawn for Pete's sake. It wasn't like the house looked deserted.

Seeking the Carsons.

Someone rang the doorbell. I wasn't sure how to take that. A quick double-check revealed the door had a spy hole and there was a security screen further into the room. I made use of the spy hole since it was closer. The object on the other side was the best disguised house burglar I'd ever seen, or heard about. I opened up the door, a sappy smile plastered to my slightly flushed face. At the last second I thought to shove my hard-on to the side in a doomed attempt to make it less obvious.

‘Hello, how may I help you?’ I greeted the gorgeous, mature, platinum-blonde feminine bombshell standing before me.

‘Do the Carson's still live here?’ she appeared distressed.

‘Oh, yes Ma'am,’ I bobbled my head. ‘Hi. I'm Vladimir Samsonov. The owner is out right now and I'm here for a party being thrown by his daughter, my girlfriend, Brandy.’

Her face transformed from confusion and worry to secret amusement.

‘It is a pleasure to meet you, Vladimir,’ she put forth her hand. I gladly took this elegant, graciously offered extension of her luscious form. I ended up kissing her knuckles instead of shaking it as I understood that was the Southern Gentlemanly thing to do to a lady. Her eyes twinkled as she added, ‘I'm Jodi May Memphis Carson; Brandy's my daughter.’

My heart caught in my throat. From what little I knew, a few months back, Brandy's Mom had run off with the previous Senior Deputy; Big Bob's #2 Man; a Black 'gentleman'; and Big Bob was still pissed about it. I'd never broached the subject with Brandy.

So, how upset was Big Bob? Well, I hadn't recognized his gorgeous wife because Big Bob had taken all pictures of her down around the place and Brandy never talked about her. That was a pity because she was an absolute beauty. Her name and history would definitely explain the luggage she had with her too.

No car was in evidence which suggested she'd arrived via hitchhiking, or taxi. There was no one outside expecting money, or checking to see if she was okay;

‘Please,’ I stepped aside. ‘Come on in. Don't worry about your luggage. I'll get it.’

‘Thank you,’ she stepped inside. ‘That is very gentlemanly of you.’ Points for me!

With two over-stuffed dress bags, two large suitcases and a roll-on, I definitely felt overburdened, and I was certainly getting my weight training in for this morning, but following Mrs. Carson into the house made all but one of my physical aches go away. I was certain she was talking to me.

What she actually said; I had no idea. She had on this contour-hugging, pale lavender skirt and a white, nearly-transparent imitation Peasant blouse with a black mesh bra underneath. This was above unadorned, creamy-tanned calves and white, open-toed heels (4 inches maybe?). Her finger- and toe-nails were a dazzling, pale pink to accent the ensemble.

With the way her hips rolled when she walked, each step made her firm ass bounce just a tad which also just happened to accentuate the luscious lines of those exquisite calves and thighs (what I could see of them). Her hair boiled down to her mid-back like a wild torrent of molten gold. I swear to God, I had this unnatural impulse to push her over the back of the sofa and fuck the ever-living soul out of her.

‘Vladimir? Vlad?’ Jodi May addressed me. Apparently she'd been asking me one, or more, questions while I had been daydreaming. She'd stopped and twisted at the hip so she could look at me. Her salacious twist of the lips and carnivorous eyes told me she knew exactly why I hadn't answered her and where my mind had wandered off to.

‘I; I apologize, Mrs. Carson.’

‘Call me Jodi May,’ she purred.

‘Wha-ha, Yes Ma'am!’ I nodded vigorously.

‘I was asking I thought Brandy was dating Darius Pope. What happened to him?

Ice flushed thru my veins and my brain re-engaged. She'd known about Brandy and Darius; to some degree anyway; and she'd run off with a Big Black Cock-Monster herself. As a mature woman, she was a 10+, but as a Mother, in my book, she wasn't rating so high all of a sudden.

‘So you were aware Darius Pope treated your daughter like a cum dumpster?’ my countenance hardened. ‘She was handed about the team for all of them to use?’

I could see it in her eyes; the comprehension; the denial; the creation of some fantasy which allowed her to carry on with the illusion she'd done no wrong.

‘All White men think that way,’ she settled on an imperious frown. ‘Darius loves my daughter.’

‘And he's got the copious amount of humiliating footage to prove me right too,’ I glared. ‘Or would have had if my family not intervened. Now Brandy has someone who truly loves her and wants to protect her from predators who would treat her as nothing more than three nameless orifices, a smoking hot body and a pretty face.’

‘As it currently stands, it turns out Darius pissed off one too many folks and somebody decided to beat the ever-living crap out of him and six of his boys; all at the same time. Darius ended up crippled, maybe for life. He is currently hospitalized, undergoing reconstructive surgery on both his knees; in Little Rock. That doesn't matter because by the time Darius got his, I'd already convinced Brandy she was better off with me and she's stuck with me ever since,’ I concluded.

‘Poor Darius,’ Memphis grew all concerned, nostalgic and misty-eyed. Yep, Darius had fucked Brandy's Mom as well. A quick information rewind had me recalling this convention of Big Bob's was a 'yearly thing', making the return of his runaway wife to his stoop rather conveniently timed.

‘Where do I put your bags?’

That brought her back to the here-and-now and looking at me, not through me.

‘I imagine the Master Suite might be a tad inappropriate,’ I stated factually.

‘Young man,’ she studied me, ‘this is still my house and I'll hang my clothes were I wish.’

‘Absolutely, Mrs. Carson,’ I nodded. ‘It is just placing them in the Master Bedroom comes with a complementary call to your husband; in Miami; while doing so in the Guest Room, the one at the other end of the house (because this house had Three), comes with some forbearance. By all means; decide away. After all; it is your house.’

‘How do you think Brandy will feel about you threating her Mamma this way?’ she pouted remarkably like her daughter.

‘She won't give a damn,’ I gave back nothing.

‘My daughter and I had a better understanding of; things,’ she turned all hurt and aggrieved. 'Things' like Mamma's infidelity and running off with a Black stud; because Brandy was lying to her father about getting some of her own at school.

‘Things a White boy wouldn't understand,’ she dug in her claws.

‘Possibly,’ I shrugged. Her shit was getting heavy. ‘I'd appreciate it if you would make your decision now. I was planning on cleaning up down here before waking Brandy with a few 'good morning' kisses. I can top that off with the knowledge you are here as well.’

‘Put my things in the; far; Guest Room,’ she motioned in the proper direction with a head toss. ‘I'll wake my daughter. I'm sure she has missed me.’

‘Good choice,’ I nodded. ‘Here is a piece of unsolicited advice. Your family hasn't picked up an automotive fetish in your absence; your daughter has friends over for the weekend, so making a commotion might by; unfortunate.’

My information perplexed her.

‘She is probably alone,’ Mamma Carson hazarded.

‘Unlikely. Taliyah was pretty upset last night so I'm willing to bet they crashed out with my brother; in the Master Suite while the five others are in the Game Room making use of the three sofas, sleeping bags and bear skin rug,’ I hypothesized right back.

‘Brother?’ she worked out from all that information.

‘Please come along with me while I explain,’ and off I went. Reluctantly, the delinquent Mamma followed. Mind you, the far Guest Room was hardly a hardship being 12'x18' with a queen-sized canopy bed, walk-in closet and 72’ wall-mounted TV. The counter-top space was minimal and the bathroom was down the hall, but since this wasn't the sleep-occupancy part of the dwelling, it was pretty much hers alone.

‘As I said 'I'm Vladimir Samsonov'. My Mom and Dad are Gayle and Nicolay Samsonov. He is the new Senior Deputy and has over two decades of experience with the Alaska Highway Patrol and a legacy of law enforcement going back hundreds of years.’

‘Of greater importance to you, no doubt, is that my Mom is Gayle Fonteneau Samsonov, heir to the Fonteneau fortune and estate; which is what brought us to town; my Great-Aunt Matilda's death and her Willing us the whole deal,’ I gave Jodi May Memphis the 4-1-1.

‘Oh,’ she pursed her lips. ‘How is the 'town' handling this?’


‘The return of Gayle Fonteneau?’ she inquired. She was in the closet, hanging up what she needed to while I was in the room, ass resting on the bed.

‘Why do you think they would be upset?’

‘Let's just say Gayle and her crazy brother didn't leave Kingston on the best of terms,’ she evaded.

‘I already know about my Mom's rape and the town's denial. I know my Uncle Theo went into Kingston, found four of those bastards and beat them so badly none ever fully recovered. I know the Mayor and Great-Aunt Matilda struck a bargain so that Uncle Theo stayed out of jail. I know the Mayor has passed-on, as has my Great-Aunt. I know my Mother hasn't forgotten, or forgiven, a damn thing.’

‘I'm sure Mayor Fox and Chief Quinterre are less than impressed,’ she smiled at me. She knew the score. This was BBC Country.

‘Chief Quinterre is no longer Chief. He lost his job last Thursday night; for molesting my Mom, having one of his buddies molest your daughter, and being caught at it by an Arkansas State Investigator. My Mom is supporting Mayor Fox's bid for the State Senate seat while Chinedu Malik is in the dog house for his philandering ways.’

‘That's; something,’ she muttered.

‘Oh, and the previous High School Principal is no more. He attempted to put his hands on my Mother, so she put him in Intensive Care; including ripping his dick off,’ I kept chatting. By the flashing of Memphis' big baby blues; that was another BBC she'd be missing. Sadly, I was no longer surprised.

‘The new guy; well, you'd have to meet him to believe him. He's a treat.’

‘How so?’

‘How to describe him; He's a college-marinated, proudly bi-sexual, agnostic, married-to-a-freaking-Goddess, beefy, Black Canadian-Haitian-American Fruit Loop.’


‘I stand by my assessment,’ I grinned. ‘Let me go get Brandy,’ I headed for the door.

‘Vladimir, Vlad, ah; is Brandy; okay?’ Jodi May worried.

‘I do my utmost to make her happy; and I; well, I'll let you talk with her and decide for yourself,’ and then I left.

I worried about what I was going to say when I found Brandy. As I had surmised, she was upstairs, in the Master Suite, on her Daddy's bed, wrapped up with Mikhail and Taliyah. She was on the far side of the bed, closer to the large French doors which led on to the small upper deck. Mikhail's head rose minutely when I pushed the door open enough for me to enter.

He was bare-chested, Taliyah had on his t-shirt from yesterday and Brandy had on a baby-blue, spaghetti-strap, midriff-revealing top on, though she had her comforter pulled up to her chest. I knew that top well enough. I flashed Mikhail some American Sign Language to explain the latest bizarre twist Arkansas had thrown us Alaskans.

His advice?

Mikhail: 'Stick it in the Bitch, keep her in line.'

Vlad: 'She's her mother, dude!'

Mikhail: 'Exactly.'

Vlad: 'No.'

Mikhail: 'Then I'll do it.'

Vlad: 'No. That will upset Brandy.'

Mikhail: 'That is why you should do it; to keep her Mom at home.'

Vlad: 'That should go over abysmally.'

Mikhail: 'How hot is she?'

Vlad: 'M-E-G-A.'

Mikhail: 'Sweet!'

Vlad: 'Pig.'

Mikhail: 'TCB.' {Taking care of business, Elvis Presley}

I went around the bed to Brandy. To my brother;

Vlad: 'Up late?'

Mikhail: 'Three in the morning.'

Vlad: 'You have sex with my girl?'

Mikhail: You have to ask?

'Okay,' I signed as I sighed. Since she was on her side, facing Mikhail, I placed my first gentle kiss within her ear. She smiled, still asleep, so I kissed her again. This time she twisted both her head and shoulders so that she was facing up. Feather-light devotions fell upon her eyelids, the tip of her nose and lips, top then full bottom. Brandy moaned sensually. Three tantalizing lip contacts later, and her mouth opened.

I kissed her on the mouth with my tongue darting along her teeth.

‘Oh; Hmm; ‘ she respired deeply as she transitioned from dream to wakefulness.

‘Vlad,’ she murmured. ‘Vlad; Vlad; ‘ and then her eyes opened. ‘Oh; I dreamed it was you,’ she gifted me with a sleepy smile.

Then Brandy started to stretch, yawn, with her arms arching over her head, bumping Mikhail along the way then continuing on until her finger linked over her head, palms reversed and one final hip-wiggle beneath the comforter. Only after she wrapped me up in the famished French kiss, hands entwined in the hair on the back of my head, did she remember we weren't alone.

‘Oh; Vlad,’ she whispered. She sent an apprehensive look Mikhail's look. His was one of undisguised lust which caused Brandy a moment of panic.

‘Hey, Princess,’ I blew softly on her cheek. She turned to face me once more. ‘I know. It is okay. Since I plan to spend the rest of my life with my brothers, it stands to reason I want you to be comfortable around one another.’

‘Are you; ‘

‘Yes; yes; that means plenty of thee- and four-ways you will just have to put up with,’ I teased her. Brandy liked going air-tight. She had confused being the centerpiece of sexual orgies with love far too often. I was determined to show her the difference

‘You are still My Lady,’ I affirmed, ‘~ the only one I want to be with. I'm happy enough to share with my brothers if that makes you happy. That doesn't change how I feel about you and us. I'm not jealous of them and they aren't jealous of us. Right Mikhail?’ I looked to my triplet.

‘Yeah,’ he poked her ribs underneath the sheets. ‘Never feel you have to say 'yes', Brandy,’ he teased. ‘Never feel like you have to say 'no' either.’

Brandy looked up at me to be absolutely sure the way she wanted things to be (we three Samsonov's lusting after her and willing to share her body without recriminations) was the way it really was. Some playful tickling, nose-licks and generally not taking advantage of her was the best way to go and the way I went.

‘Damn,’ Taliyah muttered. ‘You had better not woken up; oh, hey Vlad.’

‘Hey, Taliyah,’ I greeted the bleary-eyed, henna-brown Cheerleader. Her black hair was mussed by physical activity and a half-night's sleep. As she propped herself up on her elbows, the covers retreated and her braless status was confirmed.

‘What time is it?’ Taliyah looked around. The clock was next to her, but this wasn't her bedroom so I could understand her disorientation.

‘A little past seven. Why don't you two crash out? I've got a surprise for Brandy,’ I suggested.

‘Come on now,’ Mikhail snorted.

‘If you are going to have sex; count me in,’ Taliyah hedged.

‘Hmm; okay,’ Brandy snickered.

‘Not this time,’ I winked to Brandy. ‘I've got a special treat for my Princess.’

‘Take notes,’ Taliyah backhanded Mikhail's chest.

‘Can we wait a little while?’ Brandy pouted.

‘It is a really special surprise,’ I urged her along.

‘A really, really special surprise?’ she wiggled and jiggled in all the right places.

‘Would I steer you wrong?’

‘No; okay,’ Brandy's smile flashed brightly. She started sliding out of bed. I caught her, bride-style, before her feet hit the ground. She giggled and kicked her feet, her arms loosely around my neck and her cheek coming to rest against my collarbone. She had on pink bikini-brief panties (not 'ass'-naked) so off we went. I had taken her down the short hall and then stairs before she decided to question me.

‘Where are we going?’ she murmured against my jugular.

‘The far side of the house,’ was the short answer. On we went. At the door to our destination, I commanded, ‘Close your eyes.’ I waited until she complied, caught her sneaking a peek, squashed that rebellion with a mock-glare and, after she squeezed her eyes shut, pushed the door open.

Jodi May was about to say something, took in my bundle and caught herself.

‘Keep your eyes shut,’ I told Brandy softly. ‘I'm putting you down,’ and then I did. I kept her body close and facing me. I moved behind her, positioning me at her back, put my hands over her eyes then shifted us around so we were both facing her mother. ‘Open your eyes,’ I whispered in her ear as I removed my hands.

‘I; Mamma?’

‘Brandy Crystal,’ Jodi May Memphis opened her arms. Brandy staggered slightly then ran into her mother's embrace, weeping.

‘Mamma, I've missed you so,’ she choked. ‘When; ?’

‘A few minutes ago,’ she cooed, stroking her daughter's hair. ‘Vlad found me on the stoop. It seems you and your Papa finally got around to changing the security code and I couldn't get in.’

Brandy was crying a lot. Memphis was crying a few tears, simply not enough in my book.

Common sense told me to back out quietly and leave. Propriety told me the same thing; give the mother and daughter some quiet time alone. Maybe it was some of my Mother's lessons seeping through my Samsonov civility to the Fonteneau ruthlessness beneath, or perhaps it was the ferocious practicality of Mikhail's brutal advice which drove the course of my next actions. I wasn't sure. I stepped up behind Brandy and wrapped her in my arms.

As I was bringing my limbs directly under her bust line, this put my arms in contact with Memphis' hip-line (she was both taller and in footwear). She felt this was inappropriate and stiffened.

‘Vlad, would you please give us some private time?’ Mamma Carson requested.

‘If that is what Brandy wants.’

‘Vlad; please,’ she directed a tear-streaked face my way.

‘Sure,’ I smiled wanly, ‘How long?’

‘Give me an hour, Prince.’

‘Hmm; actually, Mom mentioned wanting to take a trip to New Orleans to me last night. I guess the brothers and I will go with her instead.’

As a final turn of the screws;

‘We'll be gone all weekend. I'll see you; sometime at school next week then; if this is what you want,’ I tacked on as I pulled me and my very aroused cock away from her backside.

‘No,’ she whined with plaintive need. ‘Can't you wait? I'll only be a few minutes.’

‘You said an hour,’ I reminded her.

‘Brandy, if he wants to go; ‘ Mamma Memphis coaxed her offspring.

‘Mamma!’ Brandy squawked. I had to imagine last night's episode with Mikhail had been more of a tease than satisfying as my triplet would have concentrated on pleasing Taliyah first and foremost.

‘Brandy, who is my #1 girl?’ I did some coaxing of my own.

me,’ she muttered in her 'little girl' voice.

‘Who is my ONLY girl?’

‘Me,’ she brightened somewhat.

‘Who would I not abandon for a hundred trips to New Orleans?’


‘You were teasing me?’ she blinked several times while regarding me in a renewed light; that of the Man in love with her and trying to guard and protect her; even if I was using somewhat circumspect means to do so. Lesson time. Lesson time because I had a lot of emotionally crossed-wires to unravel with a bit of tough love, empathy and raw passion in equal measure.

‘Yes. Yes, I was.’

‘Why?’ my girlfriend wondered.

‘Yes. Why do you see fit to so cruelly play with my daughter, someone you claim to care for,’ Jodi May grew frosty.

‘Because you think your daughter would be better off with someone like Darius than someone like me; solely because I'm White and I've got a pathetic, White boy's cock,’ I laid it out in the open.

‘I said no such thing!’ Jodi May exclaimed.

‘Mamma!’ Brandy turned on her mother at the same time. Why was Brandy believing me instead of her mother? Revisit the past few months of their lives where both had made themselves willing slaves to BBC and then Brandy's 'liberation' by me and now my brothers.

‘All I said was that you and Darius seemed to be truly in love and I wondered what happened to him,’ Mamma Memphis defended herself.

‘Mamma, he treated me and the other cheerleaders like his personal property; like his White Trash whores,’ Brandy's face clouded with painful memories. ‘He used to make me do degrading things. He even hurt me a few times.’

‘Vlad's not like that at all. He's kind and demanding. Also, he fucks me like no one else ever has.’

Jodi May's look indicated to me she thought this was something White girlfriends told their White milksop boyfriends and not the truth. Thankfully for me, Brandy caught her look and the attitude behind it.

‘No lie, Mamma,’ Brandy took both her mother's hands and squeezed them empathically. ‘He touches secret spots inside of me I never knew I had, leaves me a trembling wreck (carnal smile over her shoulder) and every orgasm sets my brain on fire, they are so IN-tense. Not even Darius can compare and I find myself giving thanks to God Almighty he is a triplet and they don't mind sharing.’

Okay, Brandy's mother still wasn't a Believer, but she was a tad curious. Of greater importance, after that description / walk down Memory Lane, Brandy was visibly Horny As Fuck. I managed the difficult task of showing open thanks to Brandy for her praise while staring her mother down, giving nothing away; I hoped.

‘You forgot one thing, Brandy,’ I prodded her both verbally and physically.

‘Huh? What was that? The peaches?’ another over-the-shoulder look plus an ass-wiggle.

‘Okay, that would be two things,’ I grinned. ‘The other thing is you get to decide if I am with any other women besides you. You are mine whenever I can catch you. Otherwise I'm totally happy to be with you, and only you.’

‘Catch me?’ More truly happy Brandy.

‘Brandy Crystal?’ her mother drew back her attention.

‘Yes, Mamma. Vlad is (blush) a total animal. He's no wimp. He had no fear when he stood up to Darius for me. Had he not spent the night with me, Taliyah and Daddy, I would have thought he busted Darius and the other members of the Football Team up. He's also on the Basketball Team, him and his other two brothers.’

‘Where is Mikhail right now?’ I asked right before I placed some ephemeral kisses on her eyelids.

‘In Daddy's bed; with Taliyah.’

‘Wasn't she with Rashaan?’ Jodi May frowned.

‘As was Randi Leigh and Sultana; but they've all dumped him for our guys,’ Brandy sang out joyously. It was now 'our' guys. I was easier to corral than Mikhail. Consequently, Brandy was becoming more at ease sharing me with other cheerleaders because my eyes always shown the brightest when they alighted on her; and she was coming around to happily accepting this new reality.

‘Oh; Vlad, can I spend a few minutes with my daughter?’ Jodi May was suddenly less sure of herself and what World she'd returned to.

‘Okay. One moment then I'll leave you two ladies to it,’ I nodded. I took Brandy's right hand in my own. I led her out in the hallway, shut the bedroom door then gentle pressed my Lady against the wall.

Brandy's wide, dark-blue eyes soaked up my intentions. Knees bent, I slid my arms between her legs, picked Brandy up by her heavenly ass-cheeks and then stood, lifting her ever higher. Fortunately, this part of the dwelling had high, 10' ceilings. My mouth pressed against her crotch. First lip pressure, then kisses followed by suction.

My shoulders and neck muscles drove my jawbone, teeth and nasal ridge into her perineum and pubic mound, working the whole region over. Brandy's fingernails were scratching my scalp, pinching my ears and massaging my temples as her pleasure took hold. One hand flew to her mouth as the first of many slutty moans escaped her mouth. When her intoxicating aroma became self-evident, I abruptly let her down.

She slithered the last few inches to her tippy-toes.

‘You Meanie!’ Brandy's amorous smile ruined her pout. Her palm slapped my chest for added emphasis.

‘I wanted to remind you the reason I came over here today was you, Brandy Crystal Carson,’ I grinned down at her. I sealed my proclamation with a lick to the nose.

‘Meanie!’ she joyously declared once more. ‘I'll get you for that.’

‘I'm looking forward to it,’ I winked. I sauntered down the hall as Brandy, after one deep sigh, went back into the Guest Room to reconnect with her Mom.

Doing Brandy, and so much more.

‘So?’ I inquired of my gal as she came into the Living Room from her chat with her Mamma. I'd finished cleaning up a few minutes earlier. I was sitting on the sofa, so I had to swivel and put one knee sidewise to fully face her.

‘So; she's back. Maurice; ah; and her had a falling out,’ Brandy moped a bit. She also vaulted the sofa like a pommel horse as a not-so-subtle reminder of how nimble she could be. I wrapped an arm around her shoulder and pulled her close.

‘Anything you want to talk about, Princess?’ I gave her an opening. (Former Senior Deputy) Maurice Jenks was the Black stud-muffin Memphis had run off with. There was a whole lot Brandy wasn't saying.

‘No,’ she mumbled into my side.

I tilted her chin up for a brief kiss then a smile.

‘You are the only one for me, Brandy Crystal Carson,’ I whispered. That declaration was meant for just her and me.

‘Even if I occasionally like more than one Samsonov in me?’ she teased. I counted that as major progress in our relationship.

‘Nom-nom-nom,’ I lip-chewed the tip of her nose. ‘The very idea of leaving you a sweaty, devastated wreck incapable of movement for several hours does have its appeal,’ I teased her right back. By the way she followed my lips back up until her body toppled mine over, she really liked that idea too.

‘You are so good to me,’ she panted.

‘I'm trying to be the guy you deserve,’ I rumbled.

‘Let's fuck,’ she rubbed her torso over mine. Brandy's emotional vector was easy enough to read and I was more than ready to provide her comfort. I worked off one tennis shoe against my knee. I had to bring the other up where an overly anxious Brandy yanked it free and flung it somewhere over her shoulder.

I got my to jean's button, she got my zipper down and together we wiggled my jeans and briefs all the way off. Brandy sat back on her haunches (still on the sofa) and bit her right thumb's first digit in such a cute/sexy manner while batting her eyelashes at me. I lost sight of that image only long enough to shed my t-shirt then it was back to soaking up the totality of the sensual, sexy body before me.

‘Can't we just talk instead?’ she bedeviled me.


‘Don't respect me?’ More sexy thumb biting.

‘Gurr; Brandy-curves make Vlad caveman,’ I truncated my speech pattern. I switched up so now we were both on our knees facing one another.

‘Eek!’ Brandy bent backwards in a terribly flawed attempt to evade me encompassing her. ‘Help me! Help me!’ she giggled quietly. I forced her onto her back. Like a true gymnast, Brandy worked her legs out from under us and then to my sides. More kissing followed. I played with working her top off first then switched direction and hooked my thumbs into the sides of her bikini briefs and rapidly worked them up and off instead.

Brandy's eyes shining up at me was more rewarding than any orgasm I'd had to date. I couldn't say why, but bringing her happiness through such basic foreplay was proof-positive I'd grown as a lover. Keeping up our tempo, I returned to her top. As it rolled up, I placed lips, nips and licks on her abdomen, between her bountiful mounds and again at the top of her sternum.

At the chin, I stopped my progress. Brandy's arms were above her head and the material of her top partially blinded her. I only got two solid pecks in before Brandy's grinding her crotch against me reminded me she was really wanting some truly meaningful, 'bad-to-the-bone' fucking. We would have plenty of time to be playful later when the rest of her friends woke up, and/or arrived.

The shirt went higher and higher. Brandy's face shown with lust and desire. I bunched her shirt up around her forearms and wrists, pushed up then put a slap to her thigh. She was confused for about a millisecond then really got all excited and began to twist around. I was going to mount my lady from behind, just the way she most desired it.

With my left hand, I savagely pinned her shoulders down while I angled my cock into her velvety love box with my right.

‘Oh, fuck yeah,’ Brandy exhaled as my cock worked its way in. We were way past the awkward looseness of our first round of intercourse. After I was all the way deep down and grinding it in, Brandy got back into the game, bucking up against me and verbally gasping and purring in equal measure to urge me on.

Yip; yip; yip; ‘Oh yeah, my Prince,’ Brandy rumbled through one final growl before she screamed her climax into the sofa cushions moments later. Even then I could tell her efforts were only partially successful. I already knew she wanted me to slow down, giving her a chance to mentally and physically recoup until I was ready to cum as well. I gently draped my body over hers, playfully kissing the back of her neck, shoulders, ears and head.

When I rose back up, I caught a glimpse of Mamma Carson sneaking a peak from around the corner of the hallway leading back to her 'current' room. I could have played this angle. I could have; but I didn't want to use Brandy that way.

‘Princess,’ I whispered in her ear when I leaned down once more.

‘Hmm,’ she acknowledged my amorous affections.

‘I think your mother just saw me.’

‘Oh; ‘ Brandy had to take a few seconds to imagine the room's dynamics through her erotic fugue to realize she hadn't been seen yet. ‘Do you think she heard me?’

‘Of course not,’ I assured her softly. ‘You are as quiet as a spring breeze easing off the Brooke's Range, my Love. You barely made a sound.’


‘I like the way you say that,’ my girlfriend murmured.

‘You are worth it.’

‘You are also a big, fat liar,’ she giggled. ‘I know I scream to the High Heavens; especially when you treat me like you just did.’

‘Huh; what? I was doing the morning paper's crossword puzzle. Were we doing something?’ I tickled her earlobe with my pinkie.

‘You Big Meanie!’ she laughed. Brandy pushed up against me while shaking her arms free of her confining shirt. By the time she had locked her elbows, we were engaged in a fierce lip-lock.

‘Ugh,’ I protested when she pulled free of my cock. My displeasure was short-lived. Brandy maneuvered me into a sitting position then hopped right back on; onto my lap, this time face to face, and onto my cock.

‘Ah,’ she throatily moaned. Her head rolled back on her shoulders as she sank down my shaft. Maybe she was playing it up a little bit.

As her knees shifted down, I took up some of the work by cupping each buttocks in my hands. I kneaded and stroked those delicious portions of her anatomy. Brandy added to my good time by rising up and feeding me a delectable nipple to snack upon. I'd never thank Darius for making Brandy learn what it took to pleasure her partner, but I was certainly currently appreciative of what she was doing for me now.

I barely caught the look she sent over my shoulder. It was a quick, non-verbal 'I told you so' to someone behind me; Mamma no doubt.

‘I wish Mikhail was down here,’ she gulped, ‘taking me up my tight, little asshole; right now.’

I fumbled around blindly for where I thought my jeans might have gotten off to.

‘What are you doing?’ Brandy leaned back, giving me tacit permission to speak.

‘I'm looking for my phone,’ I then spared a quick kiss to her other breast. ‘I am going to call Mikhail and tell him to get his ass down here, right now!’

‘Hmm; I like your enthusiasm,’ she shot a quick wink 'somewhere else'. ‘How about we let him stay upstairs with Taliyah a bit longer and you take care of me; back there.’

This time I reached for her shirt. After I dangled it in front of her, she just had to ask,

‘What's that for?’

‘Brandy, I'm about to make you ride my cock up that comfy, tight, little asshole and I know that's going to make you howl; so I was going to use your shirt as part gag/part bridle as I'm about to turn you around and make sure you; take; every; last; inch.’

Okay, Brandy wasn't stupid. She most likely suspected I was spicing things up a bit for the audience too. That didn't dampen the ardor in her eyes. I whipped the shirt around as she began to carefully rotate in my lap. She alternated long, meaningful eye contact with me with furtive flashes behind us. I didn't let on. I took the shirt, gave her something thin enough to bite down on so it wouldn't get uncomfortable (I hoped) and then got to work turning my braggadocio into reality.

Brandy truly sold each whimper, tearful backward glance and full-body shudder as I went from vaginal to anal penetration. I was rough enough to really send her off for thirty seconds, easy. For Brandy, her mom watching us had to be an added incentive to her carnal display of victorious fruition. I certainly felt like the All-Time Champ. Despite this being her second orgasm in under thirty minutes with the accompanying muscle fatigue, Brandy soldiered on.

For my part, I attempted to spice up our repertoire with things I'd red about yet never practiced; namely treating a woman like a Scotsman trying to push a sheep through the Stone of Scone; or something like that. Honestly, watching Brandy gyrate, moan and perspire on my lap made coming up with anything resembling cerebral coherence more difficult by the second.

Ego-fueled ambition waged war against every impulse of my teenage body. I wanted to ejaculate desperately. I also wanted show Jodi May her daughter really had 'traded up' as far her boyfriend's physical prowess went. That itself was a mouthful. Thinking of which, I leaned forward, reined Brandy back to meet me halfway then began worrying her right shoulder along the crux of her neck.

Brandy screamed against our makeshift gag. Fuck-all, she loved being bitten. I oriented our lovemaking so it was four, or five, thrusts at a 45 degree angle to my lap, then I'd pull her upright for more neck work. Brandy was going off for a third time at the four minute mark, at which point I began pumping semen up her colon. I couldn't hold back any longer.

Even the painful recollection of a bronco bull kicking me in the nuts when I was sixteen couldn't contain my lusts. Three; four; five; six hard spurts within Brandy had her howling as each blast scalded her; the seventh and eight were more like tremors for each of us. We fell back, my spine against the sofa and Brandy's back against my heaving chest. I removed the shirt from her mouth so she, like me, could better struggle for breathe.

‘Oh; damn; that was; fan; tastic,’ I panted.

Brandy moaned. Mentally I was taking a victory lap. Physically, I was still in critical recovery mode. I'd take my 'victory lap' later. On second thought; my lover's panting took on a more erotic quality

‘You; are; still; hard,’ she giggle-gasped.

Yes. Yes, I was. Fuck it all. My cock hurt quite a bit from the strain plus Brandy's rectum was squeezing me so tightly, but it was definitely prepared for Round 2. I was one fortunate guy that was for damn sure.

‘You; me; like this,’ I nuzzled her ear. ‘How can you; expect me; to be; any other; way?’

‘You; you make me feel,’ she panted, ‘like a million bucks.’

‘You,’ I desperately competed for breath, ‘make me feel like the luckiest guy; in the World.’

More kissing, nasal breathing and hand explorations followed. I heard a cough behind us; Brandy apparently either didn't hear it, or felt fine ignoring it. Twenty seconds later, Jodi May must have coughed up a lung, there was no missing it this time.

‘Are you two presentable?’ she called out; theoretically from down the hall.

‘Did she ever catch you and Darius; you know?’ I whispered.

‘Twice; no, three times,’ she whispered back. With some reluctance, she dismounted my pole. I placed my hands under her buttocks to aid in her regretful departure.

I even gave off an unexpected whimper as my glans slipped free of her anal clench. Brandy shot me back a spectacular, highly feminine look of supremacy. She was definitely leaving me wanting more.

‘Almost Mamma,’ she called out. ‘Give us a second.’

To be continued in part 12, based on the work by FinalStand for Literotica.